- 名称:全球供应链管理
- 类型:管理教程
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:10-15 16:32:06
- 下载要求:无需注册
- 下载次数:6423次
- 语言简体中文
- 大小:382 KB
- 推荐度:2 星级
建立技術優勢(Leading- Edge Technology/Innovation)
•成為快速跟隨者並建立差異化( Quick Follower (TTX) and Differentiation )
•全球供應鏈管理( Global Supply Chain Management)
•著重核心競爭力( Focus on Core Competence)
1.Enriching Customers- Providing Solutions vs. Products
2.Mastering Change and Uncertainty (Rapid Response)
3. Leveraging the Impact of People and Knowledge
4. Cooperating to Enhance Competitiveness - Virtual
Integrate, Synchronized, Lean, and Responsive Flow of Materials, Information, Funds, Processes, Services, and Organizations from Suppliers’ Suppliers to Customers’ Customers.
資訊扭曲(Information Distortion)
不同步的通路(Asynchronized Channel)
鏈的複雜度(Chain Complexity)
無效率的作業(Inefficient Operations)
文化地區之差異(Cultural Problems)
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Tag:管理教程,生产管理教程,企业管理教程,企业管理资料 - 经营管理 - 管理教程