- 名称:365度品牌
- 类型:管理教程
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:10-15 16:32:06
- 下载要求:无需注册
- 下载次数:6804次
- 语言简体中文
- 大小:416 KB
- 推荐度:4 星级
Victoria’s Secret: Objective
Get men to buy women’s underwear..
Intensification by weaving the ideas together将不同的IDEA组织在一起
Publicise unheard-of response to world’s first online fashion show advertised during the SuperBowl 在Superbowl期间发布广告, 告知公众世界上第一个网上市装秀
Interplay and intensification improve results 相互影响和强化提升最终结果
Brand World is a sensory surround that maximizes involvement through picking points of contact which will intensify involvement and working the interplay between them 品牌世界时一个感觉的世界, 它通过选择不同有相互影响的接触点,加强消费者对品牌的投入度
Day in a Life, Snap, Points of Contact and the Strategic Impact Matrix are 360° tools 各种360度思考的工具
Group rcise 3 分组练习
Go back into your groups 回到你的小组
Explore the Brand World for your brand 发掘你们品牌的品牌世界
Generate Points of Contact options and evaluate them using the Strategic Impact Matrix 产出接触点并运用策略矩阵加以评估
Report back in one hours time 1小时后报告
Conclusion 结论
What We Have Done 我们学习了什么?
How We Got There 如何得到?
Sequence 顺序
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Tag:管理教程,生产管理教程,企业管理教程,企业管理资料 - 经营管理 - 管理教程